We’re inviting residents, businesses, community organisations and landowners to give their views on future development of the Conway Street Industrial Area in Hove.
Take part in the consultation
Following this initial consultation, which runs until 7 April, your comments will feed into a ‘masterplan’ for the site which will help guide future development. Conway Street, near Hove Station, is one of the areas identified in our City Plan for new housing and employment space.
The masterplan will help deliver new homes and jobs in central Hove. The project was awarded a £70,000 One Public Estate grant from central government so that partners can work together with the community to make sure that the future use of the site will benefit the city.
We will be working with the Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum, developers, businesses and the community on the masterplan.
Conway Street Industrial Area
The Conway Street industrial area is made up of a mixture of buildings and roads close to Hove Station, with the railway line to the north, Ellen Street to the south and Ethel Street to the east.
Existing commercial properties include offices, warehouses, distribution centres, some research and development companies and various industrial buildings mostly dating from the 1960s.
The main depot and administrative offices for Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company is in the area, as is the car park for Hove Station.
It also includes land at 1-3 Ellen Street, proposed for residential and commercial mixed-use development by Matsim Properties Ltd.
The Hove Gardens scheme is an £80 million development of:
- 186 flats
- 1,317 square metres of office space
- 228 square metres of retail
The development proposal was granted planning permission on appeal by the Planning Inspector in January 2019 and will be taken into consideration as part of the wider masterplan.
What is a masterplan?
The masterplan will be a Supplementary Planning Document that will provide a more detailed level of guidance to existing City Plan policies. It will help guide developers, planning officers and councillors on the best development uses for the site.
This first stage invites views on the issues and options which will look at the size of the area to be covered and level of detail that should be put into the guidance. You can read the Issues & Options Paper online, along with further information on community consultation events and how to get involved, or visit one of our council offices.
Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum
The Hove Station Neighbourhood Forum will also be consulting on its draft Neighbourhood Plan and hosting community events, including one where we will discuss the Issues & Options paper.
We will be working with the Forum to ensure the masterplan complements the neighbourhood plan.
What happens after the consultation ends?
We will appoint a master planning team in the spring. Consultation on the draft masterplan will follow in the autumn.