We’ve launched a public consultation on what should be done about the hundreds of business waste bins that line our streets and pavements.
At present shops, bars, restaurants, takeaways and other traders can leave their bins outside or near their premises all day, every day.
But with so many trade bins being placed on our pavements, and with the numbers of these rising, we’re receiving mounting complaints about them blocking pavements and roads, attracting fly-tipping and vermin, and causing problems with social distancing.
Finding a sensible way forward
It’s a very tricky issue, so we want to find a way forward that works for everyone - the businesses, our residents and the council – which is why we’re hoping you get involved in the online questionnaire.
Tackling the problem of trade street bins is part of our campaign to Keep Brighton & Hove Tidy which started earlier this month with a clean-up of some of the dirtiest streets in the city centre.
Councillor Jamie Lloyd, deputy chair of the council’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said: “Despite our efforts to resolve these issues, the concerns remain, so we must all work together to find a solution.
“The number of trade waste bins on our streets and pavements can have an impact on how clean and attractive the city looks and feels.
“Residents, shoppers and visitors can also find the bins narrow pavements, making it more difficult for people in wheelchairs or using buggies, and cause problems for social distancing.”
'We need your vital input'
Councillor Lloyd added: “In order to find a system of managing the bins that works for everyone, we need your vital input, so please get involved and complete the consultation.”
The consultation sets out the issue and then gives a number of options on what can be done to keep the trade street bins to a minimum.
The main idea is to introduce ‘Time-banded Collections’, (or T-Zones), in the city centre and areas where there is high footfall, narrow pavements and heavy traffic.
The city centre has been divided into 13 of these T-Zones.
Time limits for bins being on streets
T-Zones would mean in certain areas of the city, businesses would only be allowed to have their bins and/or bags of waste on the highway between 6am and 9am for collection purposes.
At all other times, businesses in T-Zones would have to store all their waste off the public highway or face the possibility of a fine, which is common practice in many towns and cities in the UK.
We’re also asking if the bins should have the business names on them - something they don’t need to do at present – so we know if a trader is allowing their bin to block a pavement or overflow with rubbish.
Fines could be issued
There is also a question on traders being fined for flouting the time-banding restrictions.
The outcome of the consultation, including your feedback, will be considered and a final approach presented to a future meeting of the council’s environment, transport & sustainability committee.
Any new approach to commercial bins in the city will be phased in to ensure businesses and waste providers have enough support and time to prepare themselves for any changes.
The consultation starts today and ends Sunday 31 January 2021, and should take no longer than 10 minutes.
We hope you can complete the consultation and help us Keep Brighton & Hove Tidy.