West Saltdean residents bid for neighbourhood planning powers
West Saltdean residents have submitted applications to the council to gain formal approval for a Neighbourhood Forum and a Neighbourhood Area.
Following the Rottingdean Coastal ward by-election, the consultation on these proposals has now re-opened. It will run until Tuesday 21 June 2022.
Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood planning is a way for local people to take a lead in planning the future of their area. It can be led by a parish council or by a neighbourhood forum set up for the purpose.
Neighbourhood forums are open to anyone who lives or works in the area they cover.
Once designated, neighbourhood forums can prepare a neighbourhood plan, setting out local planning policies for their area. Neighbourhood plans must broadly conform with the City Plan. Once approved neighbourhood plan policies will be used to help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.
The Area Covered
The proposed Neighbourhood Area covers West Saltdean and has three borders with other authorities: East Saltdean (part of Lewes District Council) to the east; the South Downs National Park Authority to the north; and Rottingdean Parish Council to the west.
It would be the sixth neighbourhood forum approved in the city, following previous successful applications from the Hove Station area, Hove Park, Brighton Marina, Hangleton & Knoll and Coldean. Rottingdean Parish Council is also a designated neighbourhood planning body.
Give Your Views
Members of the public can view the applications and make comments online through the council’s Consultation Portal .
Alternatively, a representation form is also available on request by emailing neighbourhoodplanning@brighton-hove.gov.uk or by writing to Neighbourhood Planning, Brighton & Hove City Council, First Floor Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, BN3 3BQ.
Paper copies of the submitted documents are available in Saltdean, Jubilee and Hove libraries. Further information and large print copies of the documents can be supplied on request by emailing neighbourhoodplanning@brighton-hove.gov.uk