Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan voting day announced
Following the decision at Full Council in October to accept the Independent Examiners’ recommendations for changes to the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan, local referendums will now be held on Thursday 13 February 2025.
As the Neighbourhood Area is designated as a Business Area, the amended plan will go to two local referendums, one for residents and one for local businesses. Voters will be asked whether the plan, which covers the period to 2030, should be adopted by the council.
If the plan is supported by more than 50% of those voting in both referendums, the council will formally adopt the plan.
Deciding local planning applications
Neighbourhood plans sit alongside other local planning policies, such as the City Plan, to guide development and to help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.
There are currently two areas in the city with ‘Made’ Neighbourhood Plans that have been examined, gone through a referendum and been adopted by the council – these are the Hove Station Area and Rottingdean Parish.
Registering to vote
Residents and businesses in the Neighbourhood Plan area who are eligible and registered to vote will be able to have their say at polling stations on the day or by postal vote.
Following the count, the result of each referendum will be published on the council website.
Previous consultations
The plan has undergone extensive public consultation, including the appointment of an independent examiner to assess whether it met legal requirements relating to national and local planning policies, and whether it would contribute to the achievement of sustainable development.
How and where to vote
More information about how and where to vote in each referendum, the deadlines for registering to vote, details of the plan and supporting documents can be found on our Brighton Marina Referendums web page.
Paper copies of the documents relating to the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan are also available to view at Bartholomew House Customer Service Centre, as well as Whitehawk and Jubilee libraries.
A consultation is also currently underway on the next City Plan. More information on this is available on our consultation website.