Council fostering film 'Any of Us' wins prestigious award
The powerful short film ‘Any of Us’, created in partnership with multiple councils across the UK to encourage people from all backgrounds to consider becoming foster carers, picked up 2 prestigious awards last month.
The film won the 'Best Collaboration' and 'Best Creative Comms' categories at the comms2point0 UnAwards, which recognises excellence in public sector communications at a ceremony held in Birmingham.
Raising awareness of the need for more foster carers
Working in collaboration with more than 80 council-fostering teams from across the UK, the film shows different individuals in very different scenarios, but each in their own way, showing the caring instinct that is essential to being a foster carer.
According to national charity The Fostering Network, 7,200 foster carer families are needed across the UK in the next year to make sure all the children who need fostering get appropriate care. The latest Ofsted stats revealed the number of foster carers working for local authorities has fallen by 11% since 2019.
Provide a safe and loving home
Members from the UnAwards judging panel said: "This is exactly the kind of campaign the public sector needs right now.
"It combined precious resources to secure a better chance of success for everyone who collaborated and boosted by smart targeting and a beautifully shot video.
"It just goes to show what can be achieved through our industry working together to address common challenges."
Councillor Jacob Taylor, joint chair of the Council's Children, Families & Schools committee, said: "I'm delighted that the collaborative film project 'Any of Us' has been recognised by winning these two prestigious awards.
"By working with over 80 other council fostering teams, we've been able to help deliver the crucial and urgent message of the need for foster carers across the UK.
"Ensuring that our most vulnerable children and young people have a safe and loving home is one of our main priorities, and we will continue to promote the message of the film that we all have the potential to become foster carers and make a difference in a young person's life.
“We firmly believe that everyone has a part to play and will continue to encourage people to do this by either considering fostering or by sharing information to others about fostering.”
Any of us
More information
If you'd like to know more about fostering in Brighton & Hove call 01273 295444 or visit our fostering website.