Major projects planning
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Planning briefs for sites within Brighton and Hove
Shoreham Harbour
Development Briefs have been prepared for proposed areas of change in Shoreham Harbour: South Portslade Industrial Estate and Aldrington Basin (in Brighton & Hove) and the Western Harbour Arm (in Adur).
The briefs provide detailed guidance for these areas and have informed the preparation of the JAAP Shoreham Harbour area.
Development opportunities in Brighton & Hove
There are a number of sites and areas with significant development potential in Brighton & Hove. Many of these sites will assist the city in meeting its current and future strategic land use needs as identified in our city plan. Development Site Schedules have been created by the Planning Projects team to give site specific planning information, advice and data intended to be useful to developers and the wider public.
Lewes Road, Brighton
This area includes Preston Barracks and the University of Brighton
- Lewes Road (Preston Barracks and University of Brighton) Planning Brief 2011 [PDF, 1.69MB]
- Preston Barracks Development Site Schedule 2014 [PDF, 313KB]
- Preston Barracks Regeneration Scheme update
New England Street and surrounding area, including Blackman Street
- Blackman Street Site (land adjacent to Britannia House) Cheapside Development Site Schedule 2014 [PDF, 311KB]
- Cheapside (south between Blackman Street and Whitecross Street) Development Site Schedule 2014 [PDF, 251KB]
- Longley Industrial Estate, 4 – 6 New England Street, Brighton - Trade Warehousing, Longley Industrial Estate Development Site Schedule 2012 [PDF, 196KB]
- New England Quarter, Brighton - Brighton Station / New England Quarter Update
Lyon Close, Hove
Land at Lyon Close includes a number of offices, retail and industrial units. There are adjacent healthcare uses and the site is close to two schools, a local retail parade, church and the well-used St Anne’s Well Gardens.
The site is identified as a strategic allocation reflecting the locality’s diverse mix of uses and recognising that change is happening with a number of residential buildings under construction or approved within the allocated area.
City Plan Part 2
Under City Plan Part 2 (CPP2) Land at Lyon Close, Hove is allocated for comprehensive mixed use redevelopment to deliver more effective and coordinated use of the whole site.
Development/ redevelopment across the allocated site will deliver the following:
• the retention/ replacement of a minimum of 5,700 sq m net B1aE(g) office floorspace through the mixed use development of the following sites:
a) Spitfire House, 141 Davigdor Road - 1,000 sq m (retention)
b) 113-119 Davigdor Road - 700 sq m
c) P&H House 106 - 112 Davigdor Road - 1,000 sq m
d) Preece House 91-103 Davigdor Road – 2,000 sq m
e) Peacock Industrial Estate – 1,000 sq m
• a minimum of 300 residential units (Use class C3);
• expanded D1 health facilities (GP surgery) and/or community uses subject to demonstration of need and deliverability; and
• ancillary small scale retail uses.
Should the retail warehouse units come forward for redevelopment during the Plan period then the council will seek a mix of B1E(g) business and residential uses.
Planning permission will be granted for proposals that accord with the Development Plan and meet the site specific requirements identified in CPP2 section 3.25.
Brighton General Hospital
Brighton General Hospital is a prominent and important brownfield site within the city and can meet citywide priorities through the re-provision of new purpose built health and care facilities alongside new housing to help meet citywide needs and community facilities.
City Plan Part 2 (CPP2)
Under CPP2 Strategic Site Allocation 1 the General Hospital Site in Freshfield Road, Elm Gove, is allocated for comprehensive mixed use development to include:
• 10,000 – 12,000 sq m health and care facility (D1E(e));
• a minimum of 200 residential units (Use class C3); and
• community facilities.
Planning permission will be granted for proposals that accord with the Development Plan and meet site specific requirements relating to
a) the setting of the Grade II Listed Building
b) the heritage character and appearance of the flint wall surround
c) publicly accessible amenity greenspace
d) delivering sustainable transport infrastructure improvements
e) a training place agreement to secure training for local people;
f) the delivery of sewerage network reinforcement, in consultation with the service provider;
g) contributing towards Biodiversity Action Plan objectives including making provision on-site to safeguard the swift colony.