1. Introduction

2. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) local offer website

3. Who can ask for an Educational Health & Care (EHC) Needs Assessment

4. How long the Educational Health & Care (EHC) Needs Assessment takes

5. Step 1: Request to Assess (up to 6 weeks)

6. Step 2: Carrying out an EHC Needs Assessment (weeks 6 to 12)

7. Step 3: Decision on whether to issue an EHC plan (week 12 to 16)

8. Step 4: Draft to finalising the EHC plan (weeks 16 to 20)

9. Personal Budgets

10. Education Setting Options

11. Mainstream early years, schools and post-16 education

12. Specialist provision in Brighton and Hove

13. Mainstream Post-19 education

14. Maintained Special Schools

15. Specialist college for young people aged 16 to 19

16. Post 19 specialist education

17. Non-maintained and independent special schools and colleges

18. What if you are unhappy at any step of the process

19.Reviewing an Education, Health and Care plan

Common Abbreviations Explained