Benefit invoices - financial assessment form

Use this form to notify the Housing Benefit Recovery Team of your financial situation

Housing Benefit changes because of COVID-19

Information about more financial support for private tenants who get housing benefits during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

How and when we pay your Housing Benefit

Find out when you'll get your Housing Benefit if you're a claimant or a landlord, and how we'll pay it to you.

Weekly Housing Benefit rates for private tenants

Find out how we use Local Housing Allowance rates to work out your Housing Benefit, and which rate applies to you

Appeal against a benefit decision

If you disagree with a decision we've made about your benefit claim, you can challenge it

Changes to Housing Benefit

Universal Credit has now been introduced across Brighton & Hove for people of working age. Find out if you can still apply for Housing Benefit

Advice Agencies and useful links

If you claim or want help with your rent and/or Council Tax, you may find some of these advice agencies and websites useful.