Forms for funeral directors
- Notice of burial (PDF 74KB)
- Notice of cremation or service
- Consent for disposal of metal implants (PDF 68KB)
- Cremation form 1 - Application for cremation
- New Cremation form 1 - Application for cremation
- Cremation form 2 - Application for cremation of body parts
- Cremation form 3 - Application for cremation of a stillborn baby
- Cremation form 4 - Medical certificate
- Cremation form 5 - Confirmatory medical certificate
- Cremation form 8 - Certificate releasing body parts for cremation
- Cremation form 9 - Certificate of stillbirth
- Cremation form 10 - Authorisation of cremation of a deceased person by medical referee
- Cremation form 11 - Certificate after post-mortem examination
- Apply for a cremation of foetal remains
- Certificate of medical practitioner or midwife for foetal remains (PDF 79KB)
- Application for interment of body parts (PDF 61KB)
- Grave ownership renewal form (PDF 256KB)
- Grave space purchase forms for Hove Cemetery, Lawn Memorial Cemetery and Woodland Valley Natural Burial Ground
- Directions for the placing of ashes in or on a grave (PDF 66KB)