Health and Adult Social Care directory
Health and Adult Social Care
Brighton & Hove City Council - Cycle facilities map
A map of Brighton and Hove with all cycling facilities including cycle lanes, cycle routes and quieter roads.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Cycling
Information about cycling in Brighton & Hove.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Deprivation of LibertyÃÂ Safeguards (DoLS)Ã
The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are part of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. They aim to make sure that people in care homes, hospitals and supported living are looked after in a way that does not inappropriately restrict their freedom.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Domestic violence
Domestic abuse happens when someone close to you, for example, a partner, ex-partner or family member makes you feel hurt or unsafe. It affects men and women of all ages, abilities, ethnicities, orientations and income levels. Information about types of domestic violence and how you can get help if you need it.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Eligibility for Adult Social Care services
Information about eligibility for Adult Social Care, and how the council will assess you if you appear to be in need of care and support.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Emergencies out of hours for Adult Social Care
The emergency out of hours service is available if social care services need to be contacted in an emergency situation outside of office hours.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Equipment and adaptations to your home if you have a disability or illness
If you have a disability or illness and you're having difficulties carrying out activities of daily living, the council may be able to help with equipment or adaptations to your home. You will need an assessment to see if you are eligible for services.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Family Information Service (FIS)
3 Palace Place, Brighton, BN1 1EF
A service offering a wide range of information and advice to families and young people including an online directory.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Fostering
Information for prospective foster carers on the benefits and rewards of fostering. This website explains the different types of fostering, the skills needed, the assessment process, foster care allowances and the excellent 24 hour support services.
Foster carers can reserve places on training courses from this website as well as link up with other carers or adopters via the message boards.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Free swimming
Brighton & Hove City Council fund free swimming in the city for all local children aged 16 and under.
Brighton & Hove City Council - Hangleton Park Children's Centre
Information about the services you will find at Hangleton Park Children's Centre.