Brighton & Hove City Council - Services for disabled children and young people
Information about the kinds of local services that are delivered to disabled children and their families in Brighton & Hove.
Health and Adult Social Care
Information about the kinds of local services that are delivered to disabled children and their families in Brighton & Hove.
Shared Lives is a way to support adults who are unable to live independently. The scheme places the adult with a carer who offers accommodation, care and support in their own home. It is similar to fostering. Shared Lives providers train, support and pay carers to provide support in this way. Support can be provided full time, short breaks, respite or day activities.
You may need to use a short-term support service after a stay in hospital or after a fall or a medical crisis. Adult Social Care can support you in your own home whenever possible. If youÂ've reached your medical and physical recovery goals, they will work with you at home to help you to manage day-to-day tasks better and rebuild your confidence.
Information to help you lead an active lifestyle, including finding sports clubs, lists of swimming pools and exercise sessions.
If you have hearing loss and you're having difficulties with communication or carrying out activities of daily living, Adult Social Care may be able to help.
If you have sight loss and you're having difficulties carrying out activities of daily living Adult Social Care may be able to help. Their rehabilitation officers for visual impairment and support staff assist adults with sight loss, to live as safely and independently as possible. Information about how to register a visual impairment, the benefits of registration, and more.
If you or someone you know has a disability or long-term health condition, the council's local Supported Employment Team can provide training and advice to find or maintain work. By providing the right support, they can help you to develop job skills, get paid or voluntary work and overcome barriers to employment.
Supported living provides housing and support in one package for people with support needs to live independently and learn new skills. The accommodation could be a shared house or individual flats, depending on your needs. The number of people living in supported living scheme also varies. Information about who supported living is for, how it works and how you can access it.
To provide blind and visually impaired passengers access to real time bus information in Brighton & Hove. People using the scheme have a battery-operated key fob which alerts them when they are near one of the talking bus stops. By pressing the fob the bus stop 'talks' to them, giving them details of which services are due, and where they are going to. There are now forty two Talking Bus Stops in the city.
Information about the services you will find at Tarner and Cornerstone Children's Centres.
If you live in Brighton & Hove, are aged over 18 and willing to forgo your bus pass, you can have £70 worth of taxi vouchers each year. (Or £35 if applying after 1st October. These will last until the following April).
Information about getting a range of assistive technology devises installed in your home. These can increase independence and safety for you or the person you care for.