You can take an online alcohol self-test to find out if you're drinking a safe amount.
Taking the first step
Recognising that as a parent you are drinking to a level of concern which can impact your children is hard. It can be harder still to make the decision to ask for help.
Children can worry about their parents' drinking. It can also set an example for children that you would not want them to follow. We know lots of parents want to cut down or stop for the sake of their children. We can help you with this.
In Brighton & Hove we have services that understand how difficult it can be to take the first step. We have experience working with parents to get help and to support you and your family.
We know that COVID-19 is creating a really worrying time for people, and an increase in stresses and changes in daily routines could lead alcohol use to increase.
Check your alcohol consumption
Speak to someone about getting help
Speak to a Family Practitioner who works with parents who want to change their drinking. While, we are not currently offering face-to-face appointments, telephone support is still available. You can contact them to talk about your situation or find out what getting help might be like.
- phone 01273 696970 or 07712528493
- email
What about my children
It is understandable that many parents worry about social services getting involved. However, asking for help is a positive step and a sign that you are trying to change.
If we have concerns about the wellbeing or safety of your children we will be honest and tell you. We will then work with you to decide what to do next.
Support available in Brighton & Hove for parents or carers
Brighton & Hove Recovery Service
Change Grow Live offers services for adults who want to change their alcohol or drug use, or for people affected by a family member's substance misuse (this service was previously called Pavilions). At the moment they are still about to offer support over the phone and online:
- phone 01273 731 900
- email
Oasis Project
Oasis offer support for parents and families who have been affected by substance misuse. At the moment they are still able to offer support over the phone and online.
- phone 01273 696 970
- email
I have found going to groups really good, makes you feel less alone.
Helplines, online support and apps
Get help through apps and online support. The following suggestions have been recommended by parents or substance misuse professionals.
- Drink Coach offers free online tools and resources to track and change your drinking. Take the two minute online test, book online coaching appointments or read the everyday resources
- Drink Less is an app to help you track your drinking and work out how much you are saving by not drinking
- Drink Aware offers a tracker and a range of online tools that can help you understand your drinking, track your drinks and change your habits