How you may be feeling
It can be really hard if you're worried about your parents drinking, or think they might have a problem with alcohol.
You may:
- want to hide it and not want anyone to know
- be scared and worried about what is going to happen to you or your parent
- feel angry about what is happening
- feel confused about why your parent is drinking too much
It's important to remember that your parent's drinking is not your fault.
You're not on your own and there is support available.
Who can you speak to
One to one support: Brighton & Hove Adolescent Service
One to one support for under 18s whose lives are affected by a parent or carer's alcohol use.
We have a dedicated family worker called Susan Kleinman. Before COVID-19, Youstina was working in schools and the community, and she is still available to talk to you more about what support you might need over the phone or through WhatsApp.
Contact Susan Kleinman:
- phone: 01273 293 966 (she usually works Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm)
- email
- Ruok website
Groups and activities: Young Carers Project
While face-to-face support is currently not available for young people who look after a parent who is drinking a lot, the Young Carers project can still provide support over the phone.
Contact them by:
- phone 01273 746 222 open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm (if you leave a message they will get back to you)
- The Carers Centre website
- contact them on Twitter or Facebook
Counselling: Young Oasis
Therapists work with people aged 5 to 18 who may be affected by a parent's drinking to help you find ways to cope with what is happening. Young Oasis are still able to provided support over the phone at the moment.
Contact them by:
- phone 01273 696 970
- email
- Young Oasis Project website
National Helpline for Children of Alcoholics (Nacoa)
Information, advice and support for anyone affected by a parent's drinking. As well as a confidential helpline you can read about the experiences of other children and young people and use the message boards.
Contact them by:
- phone 0800 358 3456 (free, confidential helpline). Open Monday, Friday and Saturday 12pm to 7pm. Tuesday to Thursday 12pm to 9pm
- email
- Nacoa website
There's also lots of information on Nacoa website for anyone affected by their parent's drinking (including a COVID-19 pack).
Other support online
Childline have advice for anyone feeling worried about COVID-19.