This outcome encourages:
- investment in the city
- the growth of new organisations
- collaboration between the public, private and third sector
- a fair and responsible approach to working with a diverse supply chain
Example outputs
Outputs are measurable activities that the supplier will undertake in order to deliver a specific outcome. Some examples could be:
- increasing the number of local direct employees/people on contract employed directly or through the supply chain
- offering accredited or recognised qualifications linked to sustainability / green jobs
- providing facilities for use by community and voluntary organisations for a set number of hours per year.
- approaching local businesses and voluntary organisations to investigate opportunities for asset sharing
- providing under-utilised facilities for new business uses, supporting diversification of our economy.
- introducing employees to Credit Union and/or membership and monthly contributions to a savings account, explaining to employees the benefits of joining a credit union / investigating partnership opportunities with Local credit unions such as Wave Community bank to enhance financial security among employees.
- contributing business planning support to community and voluntary organisations or local SMEs or business start-ups
- this could be financial advice/legal advice/HR advice/ sustainability advice, possibly through the Business & IP Centre (BIPC) at Jubilee Library