Previous consultations
Benfield Valley has its own planning policy in the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part Two – Policy SA7. During the Plan’s production, its policies went through several stages of public consultation. They also went through an independent examination by a government-appointed planning inspector.
The Inspector’s report and background evidence papers to the City Plan, including Urban Fringe Assessments, can be viewed on our City Plan Part Two pages.
You can also view the Benfield Valley Topic Paper 05 (May 2021), which was background evidence for the City Plan.
Current consultation – August / September 2024
We have published the application to enable residents to give their comments and are currently consulting with experts to inform our response to the application.
Local residents have been notified and site notices have been erected to inform residents. You can view the applications and comment on them through our online Planning Register by searching for application reference numbers BH2024/01720 and BH2024/01721.
The consultation period closes on 29 September 2024.
Once the council has received all comments on the proposals and feedback from consultees it will assess the applications. At this early stage, a date for a Planning Committee to decide the applications has not yet been set.
The final decision on any major application submitted would be made by councillors at Planning Committee. Find out more about the planning process and our Planning Committee.
Other consultations
The council has recently consulted on a potential site for a replacement for the King Alfred leisure centre, having identified the site south of the Sainsburys as one potential option.
At its July meeting Cabinet decided to develop the new facility on part of the existing seafront King Alfred site.