Latest updates
March and April 2025
Councillors will discuss the application at a Planning Committee meeting on 2 April 2025, where they will make a decision. This meeting will be in the council chamber at Hove Town Hall and will also be webcast. To watch the meeting online go to our council webcasts page on the day.
To find out more about the planning process and our Planning Committee, and how to get involved, see our planning pages.
You'll be able to view the agenda 5 working days before the meeting.
December 2024
We have received amended plans and additional information in relation to the current planning applications.
The overall number of dwellings remains the same (101) and the main changes are:
- a slightly revised layout - including moving the scheme further away from the south-west boundary of the site to avoid protected trees
- changes to landscaping
- updated ecological mitigation/enhancement
- updated heritage information
One of the blocks of flats has been raised a storey higher in the south-west corner. Associated documents and drawings have been updated accordingly. An Outline Landscape Management Plan has also been submitted.
A further round of public consultation is taking place on the changes. The consultation period for comment closes on Friday 10 January 2025. You can view the application and comment on it through our online Planning Register. Search for reference BH2024/01720 (and BH2024/01721 for the Listed Building Consent application).
Once we have assessed the revised proposals and information, the scheme will be discussed at Planning Committee, where elected councillors will make a decision. A date for the Committee has not yet been set.
Autumn 2024
Part of the Benfield Valley site is subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), which protects the most important trees and woodland on the site.
We are currently reviewing TPOs across the city, to ensure that they are up to date. This is because some TPOs are a number of years old and some trees originally covered no longer exist. The updated TPOs seek to protect trees that are in the healthiest condition and have the most amenity value.
As part of this city-wide review, the original Benfield Valley TPO (1997) was revoked and two new TPOs were created on 9th October 2024. The updated TPOs reflect the fact that quite a number of trees originally covered no longer exist, and also encompass additional areas where trees are now worthy of inclusion.
Any current or future planning applications or proposals within Benfield Valley will need to take account of the updated TPO.
More information about Tree Preservation Orders.
Summer 2024
A planning application has been submitted to the council for the following proposed development:
“A total of 101 dwellings on part of footgolf course land and demolition of derelict cottages. Works to Benfield Barn to create a community hub facility including café and footgolf use. Erection of 4 new workshops within footprints of Barn outbuilding ruins. Landscaping works including allotments and orchards. Ecological works. Creation of and upgrades to pedestrian and cycle routes. Alterations to existing vehicular access off Hangleton Lane and provision of car and cycle parking. Associated off-site landscaping and ecological works to wider Valley including provision of parkland south of Hangleton Lane for community use.”
The proposal is for predominantly 3-bed family houses (64%), and some flats. It would deliver 40% affordable housing overall.
Proposed housing location
Following the pre-application discussions, the developers have decided to put all the housing north of Hangleton Lane, and leave the site south of Hangleton Lane undeveloped, to be used as parkland for community use. This represents a change from the housing allocation sites in the City Plan which sought approx. 40 homes south of Hangleton Lane and 60 on land to the north.
Listed Building Consent
An application for Listed Building Consent for works to the grade II listed Benfield Barn and outbuildings and walls has also been submitted to the council. The reference is BH2024/01721, and it can also be viewed through the Planning Register.