Pedestrain and cycle link closure between Black Rock and the Marina
The shared use pedestrian and cycle link between Black Rock and the Marina will be closed until 26 January while work to the link is carried out as part of the Black Rock project.
We're sorry for any inconvenience.
We've opened a new path that is available to use, just to the north of the old one. This runs from from the north west corner of the ASDA car park to the eastern end of Madeira Drive.
What we have done
We have:
- created an ecology trail of vegetated shingle along a new beach boardwalk, in partnership with Kew’s Millenium Seedbank
- provided a new access route between the Black Rock site and Brighton Marina - in the short term this access link will be used for better cycle, pedestrian and emergency access - in the long term, it will create a direct green transport link between Black Rock/Marina and the city centre
- removed underground obstructions and relocated utilities to deliver a site ready for development
- restored the Grade 2 Listed Reading Room and Temple - both buildings have now been let and are due to open as cafes in Autumn 2024
- installed new Black Rock seating blocks designed by a local artist
- cleared invasive tamarisk at Duke’s Mound Gardens, restoring sea views and encouraging native species to return
Still to come
We will:
- install three exciting sculptures along the boardwalk which reflect the history, ecology and people of Black Rock
- light the boardwalk
- open the pedestrian and cycle link with the Marina