Project background
The Preston Barracks site was acquired by the council from the Ministry of Defence because of its strategic significance. From 2009 we worked in partnership with the University of Brighton to explore wider development opportunities that included the former barracks site alongside adjacent university land.
Having agreed a 'Shared Vision' for the redevelopment in 2009, a Site Capacity Assessment that examined development potential was completed in 2010.
We approved a planning brief in September 2011, and in 2012 the partners commissioned a new masterplan covering the extended development area, the results of which led to a detailed assessment of financial viability and a review of delivery options.
This review was presented in July 2013 and, following further work, in December 2013 the Policy & Resources Committee agreed the detailed arrangements for the partners to conclude negotiations.
In July 2014 we exchanged contracts with the University of Brighton and developers U+I Plc and Development Securities PLC. The partners then developed detailed plans in a process that included a number of public consultation events. This culminated in February 2017 with a submission of the full planning application. Planning consent was granted in September 2017.
Full details of the planning application can be found on our Planning Portal by searching for application reference BH2017/00492.