Previous consultations
Toads Hole Valley is allocated to develop a mixed-use new neighbourhood. This is under Policy DA7 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 1, adopted in 2016.
During the Plan’s production, the policy went through several stages of public consultation. It also went through an independent examination by a government-appointed planning inspector.
We've produced a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD15). The SPD gives guidance to applicants showing that the site is developed in a way which meets the needs of the community. This was adopted in 2017 following public consultation on Issues and Options in 2016 and on the full Draft SPD in early 2017.
Members of the public had the opportunity to comment on each of the planning applications and in the public inquiry run by the Planning Inspectorate. The original planning application (BH2018/03633) received more than 450 comments. Subsequently, the revised applications BH2022/00203 and BH2022/02534 attracted a further 209 and 66 comments respectively.