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In November 2023 a planning application was submitted to vary the wording of conditions attached to the original planning permission for Toads Hole Valley (ref BH2022/00203). This was to ensure the conditions took account of the option of the additional housing permission (ref BH2022/02534) that was subsequently granted instead of the school.
The aim of that application was to tie all the permissions on the Toads Hole Valley site together and to ensure the second outline permission (for up to 182 dwellings on part of the school site) is permissible within the terms of the original outline permission.
The wording of the conditions were updated to allow the flexibility of both options. For example, where they specifically reference the ‘school’ this is now followed by ‘(if developed)’.
The conditions also referenced updated drawings and phasing. For example, the illustrative masterplan drawing now shows part of the school site labelled as either land for a school or additional housing as permitted under BH2022/02534.
Ultimately, it will be for the owners of Toads Hole Valley to decide which option of development they wish to pursue and construct – school or additional housing.
See the Planning Register and input reference BH2023/02850 for details of the application.
The application was approved at Planning Committee on 7 February 2024