Contact a funeral director
When the death has been confirmed, a funeral director will need to be contacted to remove the deceased person.
Contact a funeral director
When the death has been confirmed, a funeral director will need to be contacted to remove the deceased person. The funeral director will:
- collect the deceased person from the place of death or the mortuary
- meet by appointment, the executor or person arranging the funeral to discuss funeral arrangements
- arrange and oversee the funeral service
- liaise with third parties such as a minister, priest or other officiant
- organise any payments and documentation required
- transport the coffin and any floral tributes to the cemetery or crematorium
Funeral directors may also provide other services, such as arranging a place for mourners to meet after the service. Your funeral director will explain the services they provide.
Choosing a funeral director
When choosing a funeral director, check that they are part of a trade organisation.
Further information on funeral directors is available from:
- National Association of Funeral Directors
- National Association of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors.
When there is no one to arrange a funeral
We will arrange a public health funeral if the person who has died has no next of kin, relatives or friends who are able or willing to arrange a funeral.