How early years and childcare providers can get funding to support children with SEND
Your child's childcare provider may be able to apply for funding to support your child with special educational needs and disabilities.
Support which early years and childcare providers can apply for
If your childcare or early years provider is registered with Ofsted they may be able to get support to help your child access the early years foundation stage.
Early years and childcare providers include preschools, playgroups, day nurseries, nursery schools, school nursery classes, after-school clubs and holiday play schemes.
They may be able to apply for:
- Additional Support Funding (ASF)
- Disability Access Funding (DAF)
- help from the Childcare Inclusion Fund
How Additional Support Funding (ASF) works
Additional Support Funding (ASF) helps children access their free early learning.
Your child’s need for ASF will be assessed by the early years team at the Brighton and Hove Inclusion Support Service (BHISS).
Your early years and childcare provider can use the ASF to pay for specialist equipment, staff training, more staff time or an extra member of staff.
ASF only covers free early learning. It doesn't cover any additional childcare, which you pay for.
How Disability Access Funding (DAF) works
Disability Access Funding is a payment of £910. It helps children who get Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
Your early years and childcare provider will ask for information about you and your child so they can apply for DAF.
Your early years and childcare provider will get the £910 DAF payment once a year. If you move to a different early years and childcare provider the DAF money will stay with the original childcare provider.
If you are a childcare provider learn more about the Disability Access Fund.
How the Childcare Inclusion Fund works
Childcare Inclusion Fund helps school age children who go to an after school club or holiday play scheme registered with Ofsted and who get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan.
Your early years or childcare provider can use this money to make it possible for your child to go to childcare. This may include changes to the building where childcare takes place, specialist equipment, staff training, more staff time or an extra member of staff.
Your early years or childcare provider can get up to £3,600 a year if you are working, and up to £1,800 if you are not working.
More information
Find out about free childcare and how to get help with childcare costs.
Get in touch with your early years or childcare provider for more information about funding they can get. You can find contact details for early years and childcare providers in our Family Service Directory, which includes nurseries and childminders.