Targeted short breaks
Learn about targeted short breaks (respite care) for children with SEND and their families.
Targeted short breaks
Short breaks (sometimes referred to as respite care) provide children and young people with disabilities with an opportunity to spend time away from their parents, relax, and have fun with their friends.
They give families a break from their caring responsibilities and give parent carers a chance to unwind, rest, or spend time with other children.
We have a duty to provide short break services for children and young people with SEND and the parents and carers of all disabled children and young people.
Targeted short break activities are for children and young people who cannot access universal services without requiring additional support.

Eligibility for targeted short breaks
Eligibility is linked to the child or young person:
- living in Brighton and Hove
- being aged 0 to 25
And any one of the following:
- having an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP)
- attending a Special School or Specialist Facility Placement
- receiving middle to high-level Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- receiving a direct payment (under 16)
- receiving a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) (16+)
- has highly specialised needs and has undergone a social care assessment
Eligibility is checked at the point of booking a place.
SEND Short Breaks sessions are £5 per hour of the session. For example, if the session is 4 hours, the ticket will be £20. If the session is 6 hours, the ticket will be £30. Families receiving direct payments can use these to fund a place.
No further or new assessment is required.
Ratios for these groups include 1:3, 1:5, and 1:6. These services suit children and young people who can manage in smaller groups.
Available targeted short break services
You can read a short description of the offers from these services on our providers of short breaks page, or click the links below to find out more.
The following organisations are offering targeted short breaks:
- Active8 For Kids: read more about Active8
- Angling4Education: read more about Angling4Education (places will be available to book from mid-April for the May half-term)
- Parable Dance: read more about Parable Dance
- Puzzle Bored Café: read more about Puzzle Bored
The providers do not have the staff to support children and young people on a 1:1 level, but where those children/young people can attend with support, such as a parent/carer or a personal assistant, we may be able to cater for these levels of need within the classes.
If you're unsure if our activities will suit your child/young person’s level of need then contact us directly or look at our website for further information.
Parents/carers can book activities on offer via the Eequ system.
The Cherish service
In addition to the above, Cherish is available for 16 to 25-year-olds.
The Cherish service is run by Brighton & Hove City Council. It provides opportunities for 16 to 25-year-olds with moderate or severe learning disabilities to explore the great outdoors.
Find out more about Cherish including contact details.
Other short break services
Other short break services for disabled children will require an assessment for eligibility by the social care team. These short breaks include overnight stays in one of our in-house respite provisions.
More information
Read more about our universal short break services which do not require a social care assessment.
Read more about our specialist short break services which require a social care assessment.