If a declaration has been made on a previous application, you must disclose this in full again on any new application.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement or to omit any material particular:
Give details of all:
- convictions - whether or not spent
- cautions
- conditional cautions
- Community Resolutions
- Anti Social Behaviour Orders
- Criminal Behaviour Orders
- County Court and High Court Injunctions, including Injunctions to prevent nuisance and annoyance or Fixed Penalty Notices (personally or business related) recorded against you and any Pending Proceedings
Note: Failing to disclose cautions or convictions or any of the above will be regarded as a serious breach of the terms of the licence and action will normally take place. An applicant’s failure to disclose any of the above will be taken into consideration when assessing their propriety to become a licenced driver.
Go to the Blue handbook for hackney carriage and private hire, drivers, vehicles and operators.