Installing new vehicle charging points
As the number of electric and hybrid vehicles on our roads increases, we're continuing to grow Brighton & Hove’s electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure to help meet the demand.
This includes installing new charge points for residents, visitors, and businesses.
Installing more charging points across the city a helps us work towards our goal of making the city carbon-neutral by 2030.
Over 400 charge points have been installed in the city to date. These include:
- lamp post columns that can provide a steady charge overnight,
- 'fast and rapids' for a quick top-up or a superfast charge when you’re short on time
Independent research by Field Dynamics and Zap-Map shows that 83.1% of Brighton and Hove residents with no off-street parking, now live within a 5-minute walk of a public chargepoint, making Brighton & Hove the local authority with the best on-street charging coverage.
We’re committed to expanding our network further to meet the increasing need for easy to access charge points.
The council has agreed to keep as much of the free-standing chargepoint infrastructure as possible off the footway, by placing them on build outs in the carriageway. This keeps the footways clear and accessible for pedestrians and wheelchair users.
The points and their positioning follow the latest accessibility standards, including PAS 1899.
Future plans for new electric vehicle charging points
On-street residential chargepoint scheme
In 2023 we were successful with our application for On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme (ORCS) funding from central government (Office for Zero Emission Vehicles or OZEV).
Installation of 100 lamp column charge points was completed earlier this year in October 2024 and 12 twin charge points will be installed between December 2024 and January 2025.
Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding
We were also successful applying for the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding, which supports local authorities in England to plan and deliver charging infrastructure for residents without off-street parking. We are currently in the process of procuring new contracts for the next phase of chargepoint installations, which will see us accelerate the growth of the city’s charging infrastructure over the next 3 years. This will see the Council install a minimum of 1200 lamp column or standard chargepoints, 350 fast chargepoints and 100 rapid (including some ultra-rapid) chargepoints across the city. Contracts are scheduled to be awarded in Spring 2025.
Locations will be selected based on demand, where you tell us you would like a charge point, as well as ensuring that points are equally distributed across the city to increase access for all residents.