What you can expect from Adult Social Care
Our aim is to support health and independence, so you can live in your home for as long as possible. We also aim to give everybody equal opportunities.
What we aim to do
The whole City has a part to play in helping people with care and support needs to live independent and safe lives.
Everyone in the City also has a right to enjoy the same opportunities as each other.
Adult Social Care is one partner in delivering this aim, but can only do this in partnership with others. Alongside the rest of the council, the other partners include:
- neighbourhoods
- communities
- the National Health Service
- the Police
- our independent and voluntary sector providers
The challenges
Some of the challenges we face are:
- more legal responsibility
- higher demand on care services
- more complicated care needs
- less money
We have to make sure we have enough resources, to meet the needs of those that need care and support. We must also use resources to prevent delays, and reduce the need for care and support in the first place.
We’ll always consider what the individual needs and wants, but we also need to make sure we use the money we have in an effective and efficient way.
What we’ll do
Our response to someone’s care and support needs is based around 4 areas:
- Signposting – to good quality, accessible information and advice, including other services and organisations that could help
- Stronger communities – we’ll help build local support networks, by working in partnership with health and wellbeing services
- Getting people on the right track - we’ll work with preventative services to help people stay independent, and support them to recover after illness
- Citizens will be in control of their own care - when people need extra care and support, it will be personalised, for example by using personal budgets and direct payments
What you can do
Individuals, families and communities all have a responsibility to help people stay healthy and independent. We expect to share this responsibility. You can help by:
- becoming familiar with what’s going on in your local community and joining in where you can
- taking steps to improve your health and wellbeing
- being open to using equipment and telecare devises to help you stay independent
- visiting your library for information about local events and for help to access the internet
More information
Find local support and activities on our Health and Adult Social Care directory.
Find out how to improve your health and wellbeing from our Healthy Lifestyles team.