How to get a personal budget
If you've had an assessment and we can help with your care and support, we'll tell you the amount of money you'll get towards this. We call this your personal budget.
About personal budgets
A personal budget is the amount of money used to pay for your care and support, this includes:
- the money we give you
- the money you pay towards the cost of your care
The amount you get depends on your care and support needs, and what is available or already in place to meet these needs.
How to use your personal budget
If you want to arrange your own care and support, you can receive your personal budget by direct payment.
Find out how to get a direct payment.
If you don’t want to manage your personal budget, we can manage it for you and arrange your care and support.
You could also choose a combination of these 2 options.
To find out if you can get a personal budget, ask for an assessment from Adult Social Care.
More information
Find out about personal health budgets on NHS.UK.