Short term support
Short term support can help you after you've been ill, or had a stay in hospital. This is sometimes known as reablement and rehabilitation. Find out about the costs, and how to ask for support.
About short term support
Short term support is often called reablement or rehabilitation. This type of support helps people do things for themselves, and be independent.
Short term support could help if you've:
- been ill
- had a fall
- been in an accident
- been in hospital
Short term support can help you recover, and build your confidence with everyday tasks. It can also prevent you from having to go into hospital or a care home.
How we give short term support
Depending on your needs, you could get short term support at home or during a short stay in a care home. It’s always given by trained care staff.
If it’ll help, we’ll involve other staff in your short term support, this could include:
- your GP
- nurses
- occupational therapists
- physiotherapists
- social workers
The cost of short-term support for less than six weeks
Short-term support like reablement and rehabilitation usually lasts between 1 and 6 weeks. These services are free for that amount of time. Most people only need support for a few weeks.
The cost of short-term support for more than six weeks
If you need support for more than six weeks, we’ll do an assessment, and discuss your options with you.
We’ll also do a financial assessment, to find out how much you’ll need to pay towards the cost of your support.
How to get short-term support
Short-term support is usually arranged by a health or social care professional. It could be part of your care and support after a stay in hospital or could stop you from going into hospital at all.
If you’re not receiving support from health or adult social care, you might be able to get short-term support.
To arrange an assessment, send an email to or phone 01273 29 55 55.
Other services that could help
For free, short-term support to people aged 60 and over, contact the Age UK Brighton & Hove crisis level 1 service.
To get help with your confidence to manage everyday tasks, and prevent falls, contact the Age UK Brighton & Hove crisis level 2 service.
Phone Age UK on 01273 720 603 to find out more.
More information
Find out about Responsive Services from Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.
Read the Independence at Home and Reablement Service leaflet.