Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged 0 to 19. Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25. We deliver services from various locations across Brighton & Hove.
Getting On Better cards: Relationship self-help
Find out more about Getting On Better cards and apply for a physical pack.
Getting On Better Pack
Relationship experts OnePlusOne has partnership with Brighton & Hove City Council to create a pack of 8 cards designed to help you think about your relationship in a new way.
The cards provide ideas on how to improve communication and reduce conflict. Parents can look through the cards either together or separately.
There are 2 cards for separated parents and six for couples. They are designed to be used without any guidance from professionals. 4 of the cards have links to animated videos, which explain the card in more detail.
How to request a Getting on Better Pack
You have to live in Brighton & Hove to recieve a Getting On Better Pack.
Contact the Family Hubs team with:
- your name
- your address
- the number of packs requested
- whether the pack is for a couple, separated parents or both

How Getting On Better cards helped Scarlett and Anton's relationship
Watch Scarlett and Anton talk about how they used a card in the Getting On Better Pack and how the cards have helped their relationship.