Your new allotment
How to lay out and number your plot, what to do if you find waste on your new plot, and where you can park.
How to lay out your plot
The first 3 months of your tenancy is a probationary period, and you’ll only need to cultivate 40% of your plot. This period is extended however if your tenancy begins within the winter.
After your first year this increases to 75%. If you don’t achieve this, we can end your tenancy.
The cultivation area is for vegetables, fruit, and flowers, and includes beds, glasshouses, polytunnels, and composting areas. It is not for lawn or wildflowers. The remaining 25% is for a shed, leisure area and fruit trees.
You can have a 75cm path running the full length of your plot. Paths that are wider than 75cm are counted as part of the non-cultivated area.
How to number your plot
You must display your plot number in a place that's clearly visible from the path or haulage way.
If you don’t have a clearly numbered plot, your site representative won’t be able to identify it. This makes managing and inspecting sites difficult, and you could be given a notice.
What to do if you find waste on your new plot
If you find waste like metal, plastic or glass on your new plot, contact the council within 1 month. After this, the council can't help you clear the waste.
You should bag the waste and leave it at the end of your plot for collection. Don’t block vehicle or pedestrian access.
If you find large items such as an old shed or bathtub on your plot, you should contact the council. They can help you remove these items.
It's a good idea to take photos of the items so if the council has to reclaim costs to remove them, you can prove they're not yours.
The council will not collect organic waste, it must be composted or burned.
Find out more about how to compost or burn organic waste safely.
Where you can park
Haulage ways (internal tracks) are for limited access only, and you're not allowed to park on them. Cars blocking haulage ways could receive a nuisance notice.
Find out more about nuisance notices.
Many haulage ways have small spaces for vehicles to pass each other, you can park in these spaces. Don't use haulage ways during wet weather as they become slippery and dangerous.