In line with good practice, a Conservation Management Plan for managing listed heritage sites, has been developed for Madeira Terrace. It brings together the historic information about the Terrace into one document.
The plan supported the successful planning application for Phase 1 and formed the basis of the Heritage Impact Assessment, a document legally required for planning and listed building consent.
You can read the planning documentation for Madeira Terrace on the Planning Portal.
What the plan is for
Context is important to consider in preserving and enhancing historic structures, especially one as unique as Madeira Terrace.
For that reason, the plan also includes information about the surrounding area.
The value of a Conservation Management Plan is that it safeguards the future of Madeira Terrace as a Grade 2* listed structure.
The sort of activities it guides are:
- improvements to the structure and its setting
- ongoing and future maintenance
- operation and use of the terraces and the surrounding area
The plan reassures potential funding partners, like the National Lottery Heritage Fund, that we’ll protect any future investment to make sure it’s spent in a way that will allow the Terrace to be enjoyed by everyone, including future generations.
Planning for the future
The Conservation Management Plan includes conservation policies that have already been used to guide the design team and the approach to the whole restoration project.
These policies will continue to guide any future works, management operations and potential uses of the Terrace and the surrounding area.
It will work with other policy areas to make sure future decisions enhance the Terrace and reduce potential negative impacts.
An important aspect of the plan is that it is a ‘living document’, which will continue to evolve and take account of changing circumstances.