Latest updates - March 2025
- We are in the process of installing main power so that we do not need to rely on generators
- We have cleared vegetation and loose concrete from the retaining wall, in preparation for the concrete repairs
- We have commenced the removal of the arches, a complex procedure that involves loosening the paint and rust on each joint and the supporting the arch so that we can tease each section away.
- The first main truss and column have been removed, as well as some of the spandrels – the decorative sections of the arch. Using a specialist app, each piece of cast iron is photographed with a tag attached to it. When it arrives at the foundry it is photographed again, and this continues throughout the process so that we can follow the journey of each individual piece.
Next steps
- The upper deck is being dismantled carefully bay by bay as the dismantling process progresses.
- The rear wall was constructed in the 1830s to protect the east cliff from further erosion, allowing for construction of the A259 and the Madeira Terraces. Metres-worth of “bungaroosh”, popular in Brighton at the time of construction, sit in front of the east cliff and provides support to the Terrace deck. It's necessary to strengthen the face of this wall to modern standards to safeguard the future of the Terrace and the A259.
- We will continue tagging each piece of the cast iron as we dismantle the arches. These will start to be transported to the foundry for shot blasting, assessment, repairs, testing and protective coating.
Royal Crescent Step closure from 17 March 2025
The Royal Crescent Steps will be closed for 4 weeks from 17 March 2025. This is in order to dismantle Bays 87 to 89 safely. Site notices have been posted ahead of this closure.
There is a new electrical connection being installed across Madeira Drive which will require some traffic management. Madeira Drive will remain open to all road users during this period.
Next 3 months
- Break out the deck
- Foundry begin cast iron restoration
- Install new electric supply
- Start rear wall concrete repairs
- Borehole investigation to be concluded
We hope that the first phase of restored arches could be open to the public in 2026.
You can read about the latest progress update for residents on our engagement and consultation page.