Changing Places public toilets
Find out more about the Changing Places toilets in the city, where they are, and what equipment you can find in them.
Changing Places toilets provide facilities for people with multiple and complex disabilities who have one or two assistants with them. Some of their features include:
- a ceiling hoist
- a height adjustable changing bench
- a height adjustable sink
Our Changing Places toilets
Brighton & Hove City Council is responsible for 6 Changing Places toilets in the city:
Shelter Hall, Kings Road Arches, BN1 1NB
This toilet is:
- open 9am to 6pm
The equipment available includes:
- adult sized wall mounted bench which is height adjustable
- ceiling hoist and loop hoist
- peninsular toilet
- height adjustable washbasin
- emergency alarm
- privacy screen
- accessible shower
- colostomy shelf
The Colonnade, Madeira Drive, Brighton, BN2 1EN
This toilet is:
- open 9am to 6pm
- located in a small terrace of shops and cafes
The equipment available includes:
- adult sized free standing bench which is height adjustable
- ceiling hoist
- peninsular toilet
- height adjustable washbasin
Dalton's Bastion, Lower Prom, East of Brighton Pier, Madeira Drive, Brighton, BN2 1TW
This toilet is:
- open from 9am to 6pm
The equipment available includes:
- Wall mounted height adjustable changing bench
- Ceiling hoist
- Peninsular toilet
- Height adjustable wash basin
- Emergency alarm
- Privacy screen
- Colostomy shelf
Please be aware if you’re approaching from Madeira Drive, these toilets are accessed by a slope. Alternative Changing Places can be found at The Colonnade.
Preston Park, Brighton, BN1 6HN
This toilet:
- is open 10am to 6pm during summer hours and 10am to 4pm during winter hours
- is behind the Rotunda Café in Preston Park
- requires a RADAR key to access
The equipment available includes:
- adult sized wall mounted bench which is height adjustable
- ceiling hoist and loop hoist
- peninsular toilet
- height adjustable washbasin
- emergency alarm
- privacy screen
- accessible shower
- colostomy shelf
St Ann’s Well Gardens, Somerhill Road, Hove, BN3 1RP
This toilet:
- is open 10am to 6pm during summer hours and 10am to 4pm during winter hours
- is opposite Little Forest Nursery in St Ann’s Well Gardens
- requires a RADAR key to access
The equipment available includes:
- adult sized wall mounted bench which is height adjustable
- ceiling hoist and loop hoist
- peninsular toilet
- height adjustable washbasin
- emergency alarm
- privacy screen
- accessible shower
- colostomy shelf
Brighton Centre, Brighton, BN1 2GR
This toilet is:
- only available for ticket holders and event attendees when an event is happening
More Changing Places toilets
Changing Places facilities are also available at:
- Brighton train station
- AMEX Community Stadium
- Rockwater, Western Esplande
- Churchill Square
- The One Garden, Stanmer Park
More information
If you'd like any further information on Changing Places toilets in Brighton & Hove:
- send an email to
- phone 01273 29 29 29
You can also find out more about the Changing Places campaign, including other toilet locations across the country.