We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
We have improved Blue Badge parking along the seafront. The new road layout at Madeira Drive has added 27 extra parking spaces. We're also planning to add more Blue Badge bays near the King Alfred Leisure Centre in Hove.
Accessible routes
Wheelchair accessible beach
We've created a wheelchair accessible area on the beach.
You can find it on the section below the Brighton Centre, to the right of Shelter Hall.
Black Rock boardwalk
The 850 Meter boardwalk, which runs from the Volk's Railway Station at Black Rock to the Volk’s Workshops at the junction with Duke’s Mound, provides an attractive, safe and accessible route across the beach.
Kingsway to the Sea
The Kingsway to the Sea project will provide a similar accessible route running through the park in Hove.
We've installed a new wheelchair accessible beach pathway at Saltdean.
The Victorian Madeira Terrace lift will not reopen for the summer season this year. A new survey has shown that the lift shaft can no longer support the weight of the old lift. The original plan to upgrade the lift mechanism is also no longer viable.
We are going to install a new, fully accessible lift at the nearby Royal Crescent Steps in 2025.
It will:
accommodate wheelchairs, mobility scooters and buggies
have lighting and security
provide 24 hour access to Madeira Drive, and the mid-level deck, from Marine Parade