Dogs on the beach
Taking your dog to the seafront
Dogs are permitted on all beaches in Brighton & Hove from 1 October to 30 April. The rest of the year, dogs are only permitted on beaches listed as dog-friendly beaches.
When you take your dog onto the beach they must be supervised and under control at all times and any fouling must be cleared immediately.
Dogs must be on a lead at all times while on the promenade.
Please be aware of the changing conditions on the beach and keep your dog safe and away from the waters edge when the sea is rough.
Dog-friendly beaches
From 1 May to 30 September dogs are only permitted on some beaches. Where possible, we have a sign on each entrance to the beaches that states whether dogs are allowed or not.
Our online map shows the locations and the seafront office has leaflets.
If you have any further enquiries please contact the Seafront Office or speak to a lifeguard.
Vegetable/mineral oil
If you have a dog, please be aware of oil that you might find on our beaches. Look out for white lumps that look a bit like candle wax as it is likely to be oil. Dogs will often eat this if given the chance and it can make them ill.
If you see something that might be congealed vegetable/mineral oil please keep your dog away and report it to the Seafront Office.