This is a hard time for people that need support with many having to self isolate and socially distance; normal life has been turned upside down for so many, so it is important to let people know that we are here to help.
One of the most important essentials is of course food and we are working tirelessly with our partners the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership to support those that need it most during this unprecedented time.
The support we’ve received from the community over the last few weeks has been overwhelming and I am very grateful.
Special delivery
There was a surprise gift for those that received an emergency food parcel this week as deliveries were accompanied by daffodils, roses and later Easter eggs from our friends at Purple People Kitchen Food Bank, that operate out of Portslade Town Hall.
The flowers and chocolates, that were included as donations from the Food Bank went down a treat with residents as a celebration that spring has sprung, albeit in different circumstances this year.
Food distribution network
We have already started contacting people in the city that have been identified as extremely vulnerable to find out what level of support they need and we have started to distribute the essential food parcels that have been organised through central government.
We have set up a food distribution network, with help from our partners at Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, which includes existing food banks as well as newly created ones.
Local community Food Hubs
To help those that can’t get food for themselves, local community food hubs have been set up across the city and are sorting food into individual parcels that will then be delivered to the doorsteps of those in need, with the help of local organisations and trusted neighbourhood groups.
These community food hubs, that are supported by our partner organisations that rely heavily on volunteers and donations, are a testament to our city’s generosity and I have never been prouder.
Community support service
A community support service has been provided in the form of an online request system on our website and a phone line for those that have exhausted all other options of getting support.
This online form will enable us to identify who needs what help and how urgently, this will ensure that there is a clear route for those that need to ask for support, especially those that need help the most.
You can access this support on our website for yourself or on behalf of someone else.
We are also setting up an emergency fund to help community and voluntary organisations who are helping us in supporting the city’s most vulnerable residents.
Play your part
If you want to play your part in the response to the pandemic there are a number of ways you can help.
To find out more about the opportunities to volunteer or to keep up to date with what they are doing please visit the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership website.
The Brighton & Hove Food Partnership are also raising money to support those in poverty by bulk buying essential items for food banks, please raise awareness of this campaign if you can.
We were so pleased when businesses in the city reached out to us to offer surplus food to help those in need through this tough time, if you would like to join them you can by donating through the Food Partnership’s website.
Thank you to everyone that is helping support those that need it, each and every one of you is making a vital difference.
Councillor Anne Pissaridou
Lead member for Food