Independent financial advice
When you plan your care and support for now or the future, it may help to speak to a qualified Independent Financial Adviser.
About Independent Financial Adviser's (IFA's)
An IFA can help you understand the options there are to pay for your care.
To find out more about IFA's and how to pay for your long term care, on the Money Advice Service website.
Get help to pay for your care
If you or someone you care for needs care and support, you could get benefits to help with the cost, even if you have savings.
Check you're getting the correct benefits.
Find an IFA
Some IFA’s charge for their time, others offer a free consultation or free general advice.
When you choose an IFA make sure they have:
- experience of giving advice about long-term care funding
- the correct qualifications
- your best interests in mind
The council does not vet IFA’s, and is not responsible or liable for the advice or services they give.
How to find an IFA in your area
To find an IFA that specialises in older people's financial needs, on the Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA).
Find a retirement adviser on the Money Helper website.
Find a solicitor on the Law Society website.
Where to get information and advice about paying for care
Get financial information and advice from Age UK.
Find out how much care costs, and the options for paying on the Paying for Care website.
Get free information and advice about housing and care options, on the FirstStop website.