What businesses should do with waste
By law, businesses are supposed to safely and legally store, remove and dispose of any recycling and refuse they create.
Find out more about how to dispose of business waste.
Common examples of waste problems caused by businesses are:
- bins or sacks causing an obstruction on the pavement or road
- bins or sacks not being secured and waste littering the pavement or road
- using residential recycling and refuse containers, including the communal street bins, recycling boxes and public bins - businesses can use communal bins if they have a duty of care from the council to do so
- not clearing up cigarette butts, drink cups or food litter caused by customers, staff or visitors
- home-run businesses not getting rid of waste correctly, such as childminders and those using their property as a short-term let
Businesses must hold a duty of care waste transfer notice. This shows us they dispose of waste legally.
To report a business that is causing a waste problem, tell us about the problem online or contact us on 01273 292929.