Shared Lives

Shared Lives matches you with a carer that you live with. Find out how to apply to get a Shared Lives carer, or how to apply to be one.

Do you look after someone booklet

Information and advice if you care for someone in Brighton & Hove.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

Keeping people safe in a hospital or care home, can sometimes involve them being restricted or restrained. This is known as being deprived of your liberty.

Pay for residential or nursing home care

The cost of a care home depends on the care provider, the type of care you need and how much money you have.

What you can expect from Adult Social Care

Our aim is to support health and independence, so you can live in your home for as long as possible. We also aim to give everybody equal opportunities.

Give us feedback about Adult Social Care

We'd like to hear from you if you're happy or unhappy with an Adult Social Care service.

Contact Adult Social Care

Get in touch with one of our teams for help and information.

Changes to your home

If you have a disability or a long term illness or health condition, you might benefit from making some changes to your home, adapting it to better meet your needs.

Equipment to help with daily living

How to get equipment, products and devices to help with everyday tasks like washing and dressing.