Pay for your care and support at home

The cost of care and support depends on the care provider, the type of care you need and how much money you have.

Supported living

Supported living provides housing as well as care and support. Find out what supported living is and who can get it.

Help with transport and getting around the city

Free bus passes, disabled parking, borrowing wheelchairs, and how to get around the city if you can't use public transport.

Choose the right support or care home

What to think about before you consider a care home, and the types of care homes there are. Sometimes care homes are known as nursing, residential, rest or retirement homes.

Short term support

Short term support can help you after you've been ill, or had a stay in hospital. This is sometimes known as reablement and rehabilitation. Find out about the costs, and how to ask for support.

Help with household tasks

How to get help around the home with things like cleaning, gardening, cooking and shopping.

Support for carers

What it means to be a carer, and where you can get support if you look after someone.

Adult Social Care - Your support plan

After you've had an assessment, if we can help with your care and support we'll write a support plan.

How we review your support plan

What happens when your care and support is reviewed, and how to request a review.