How we investigate dog attacks
We investigate:
- dogs causing fear or injury to people
- dogs injuring other dogs in public places
- attacks on assistance dogs
We cannot investigate cases that the police are already investigating.
If you cannot identify the dog owner, it's unlikely that we will be able to investigate your case further.
We cannot take action without:
- a formal statement
- a commitment to appear in court if we need you to
Download and complete the witness statement form if you're reporting a dog attack to the animal wardens.
We'll keep your personal details confidential unless the matter goes to court.
Report a different dog incident
You should contact the police about:
- dogs used as weapons
- incidents involving guard dogs
- incidents involving any of the banned breeds listed in section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (amended)
- serious dog attacks on humans
To report incidents like this, phone Sussex Police on 101.
You can report other animal crimes to Sussex Police.
Community protection notice
A community protection notice (CPN) orders the person responsible for the dog (usually the dog owner) to stop or control its behaviour.
A CPN is usually issued to deal with minor incidents, including when a dog:
- strays
- causes alarm
- damages property
- shows it’s capable of aggression or aggression towards other dogs/animals
A CPN orders the responsible person to:
- stop doing something, e.g. letting the dog into children’s play areas
- do specified things, e.g. muzzling the dog
- take reasonable steps to get specific results, e.g. attending dog-training classes
A CPN can last for as long as the authority issuing it believes is necessary (e.g., 2 weeks to fix a fence, or several months to allow someone to attend a training course).
A CPN may be issued if the dog’s behaviour is persistent, unreasonable and negatively affects the quality of life of people or animals.
A written warning will be issued before a CPN.
Written warning before a CPN
The written warning must state:
- the behaviour that’s led to this warning being issued
- a reasonable time period in which the behaviour must stop
- what happens if they’re issued with a CPN and the penalties for not following a CPN