PayByPhone and PayPoint parking - frequently asked questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions about PayByPhone and PayPoint parking.
Why did the council introduce pay-by-phone parking?
One recommendation of the Citywide Parking Review was introducing mobile phone parking in the summer of 2012.
45% of those surveyed said they would use their mobile phone to pay for parking at least sometimes and 78% indicated they wanted to pay for parking using credit or debit cards.
A Transport Committee report (PDF 74KB) recommending the introduction of pay-by-phone parking was approved in January 2013, leading to the roll-out of the PaybyPhone parking service in September 2013.
PaybyPhone was first available on the seafront, and in our pay and display car parks, before being rolled out in central Brighton and then throughout our controlled parking zones.
Are PaybyPhone and PayPoint the same?
PaybyPhone works closely with PayPoint, but they offer different ways to purchase parking sessions.
PaybyPhone parking
Where can I use PaybyPhone to park?
PaybyPhone is available in all on-street paid parking bays across Brighton & Hove and all of our paid parking car parks.
PaybyPhone is not available in our pay-on-foot car parks:
- London Road
- Regency Square
- The Lanes
- Trafalgar Street
How do I set up a PaybyPhone account?
The easiest way to set up an account is in advance online. Registration is easy and only takes a few minutes.
Do I need to use a smartphone to use PaybyPhone?
No, you do not need a smartphone to use PaybyPhone but you will need a telephone number to act as your account reference.
There are 5 different ways to use PaybyPhone:
- touch tone - call to enter details using a telephone keypad
- text - send a text message to purchase a parking session
- mobile web - purchase a parking session online via your phone
- internet - purchase a parking session when online
- mobile apps - parking sessions can also be purchased via iPhone or Android apps.
Do I need to return to my vehicle to top up my parking session?
No, unlike with pay and display machines, parking sessions can be topped up remotely by:
- making a note of the location code where you have parked
- using one of the above methods to extend your stay
Is there a subscription fee to join PaybyPhone?
No, there's no subscription fee to sign up to PaybyPhone.
Is there a service charge for using PaybyPhone?
There's a minimum service charge of 10p to cover the cost of the service. Any additional service charges incurred are based on text settings activated or deactivated through your PaybyPhone account.
Can I add more than one vehicle to my account?
There is no limit to the number of vehicles which can be added to an account. The PaybyPhone system will default to either:
- the last vehicle parked
- the last vehicle added to the account
Care should always be taken to ensure the correct vehicle has been selected when purchasing a parking session.
Do I need to register with PaybyPhone in each place I visit?
No. You only need to register once with PaybyPhone and then you can use it to park in any pay and display area in Brighton & Hove or any other town or city where it's available.
Where can I find out more about PaybyPhone parking?
You can find more information on our main PaybyPhone page and the PaybyPhone website, which has a more detailed list of frequently asked questions about PaybyPhone.
You can register on the PaybyPhone website, on the mobile web page or by using the free PaybyPhone app.
Complaints regarding PaybyPhone
If you have a complaint or problem with PaybyPhone:
- phone 03304 007 275
- visit the help centre How to get help and contact us? – Help Center
PayPoint Parking
Why is the council using PayPoint shops for parking payments?
The council has introduced this as an alternative to pay and display machines for drivers who prefer to continue using cash to pay for parking or don’t have a mobile phone to access PaybyPhone.
How close are the PayPoint shops to the parking bays?
Each PaybyPhone location will have information on a text locator service to find the nearest shop.
Do I need a mobile phone or PaybyPhone account to pay via PayPoint?
No. Paying for parking sessions at a PayPoint shop means you can still use cash to pay for your parking and you do not have to have a credit or debit card or access to a mobile phone.
Unlike pay and display machines, you can also use notes and receive change at a PayPoint shop.
Is there a service charge for paying for parking at a PayPoint shop?
No, there is no service charge when paying for parking in a PayPoint shop.
Do I need to return to my vehicle to top up my parking session?
No, parking sessions can be topped up remotely by making a note of the location code where you have parked and going into any one of the 150 PayPoint shops across Brighton & Hove to extend your stay.
Where are the PayPoint shops in Brighton & Hove
Use the PayPoint website to find your nearest PayPoint shop.