The Blue Badge Team is currently focusing on reducing application backlogs by prioritising urgent renewals and temporarily pausing voicemail services after 1:30pm. They are continuing to take in-person visits and respond to email enquiries. Thank you for your patience.
Apply for or renew a Blue Badge
Find out how to apply for a Blue Badge, the documents you'll need and answers to frequently asked questions.
If you contact our team, we’re happy to help with your enquiry. We have a zero-tolerance policy to verbal abuse or aggressive behaviour. Therefore, we’ll stop dealing with your enquiry if you’re aggressive to our staff.
Applying for a Blue Badge
Please apply online whenever possible and contact us online in the first instance. This will help us keep within our timescales and ensure best customer service delivery. We appreciate your patience.
Applications can take up to 12 weeks to process once all required documents have been received. Please note that your application will be delayed if you do not submit the correct documents. The information we request needs to be included before we can start to assess your application.
If your application is approved by an officer, the Blue Badge will be ordered as quickly as possible, and may take up to 2 to 3 weeks to arrive through the post.
Please be aware that Blue Badges are not made at Hove Town Hall. They are ordered and dispatched through the post directly to your home address.
To find out what you need to include, please read the below information.
a photograph of you - please email this where possible
If you are sending documents by post, please only send photocopies. Brighton & Hove City Council cannot be held responsible for documents that are lost in the post.
We will usually email you or write to you by post if more information is needed.
You may need to have an eligibility assessment as part of the application process. We'll arrange an appointment for you by phone as quickly as possible. You will be booked in for a walking assessment at Hove Town Hall which normally lasts up to 30 minutes.
You may be eligible for a Blue Badge if you have any enduring (lasting for at least 3 years) and substantial disability that means you:
drive a vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable to operate, or have considerable difficulty in operating, all, or some types of parking meter
have been certified by an expert assessor as having an enduring and substantial disability which causes you, during the course of a journey, to be unable to walk, experience very considerable difficulty whilst walking, which may include very considerable psychological distress
may be at risk of serious harm when walking - or pose, when walking, a risk of serious harm to any other person
How do I renew my Blue Badge?
Please note that it remains the responsibility of the badge holder to be aware of when the badge is expiring, and to ensure it is renewed in time.
Our team send out renewal letters as a reminder explaining what is needed to renew. If you have not received a renewal letter 4 weeks before your badge is due to expire, please contact our team below.
Each renewal is treated like a new application, to make sure we only issue Blue Badges to those who meet the criteria.
If you have moved address within the last 3 years and have not informed us, then we may not hold your current contact details. Please contact us if your details have changed.
What do I do if the Blue Badge is no longer required?
If the Blue Badge is no longer required it must be returned to Brighton & Hove City Council.
You can return it by post to the below address. Please include a covering note explaining why the badge has been returned.
The customer service centre counter is closed.
If you are visiting from abroad with a valid Blue Badge
You can use your foreign Blue Badge in Brighton & Hove, but you need to tell us before you visit.
To notify us, phone 01273 296 270.
You will need your:
vehicle registration
Blue Badge number
contact details
dates of visit
Your blue badge must be valid and in date before your visit.
Our team will add an exemption to your vehicle to allow you to park within Brighton & Hove.