for 30 minutes on single or double yellow lines, where there are no loading bans in place
Dispensation parking permits
Find out about dispensation parking permits, who can apply, how much it will cost, where you can park and how to apply.
About dispensation parking permits
A dispensation parking permit allows you to make regular stops throughout Brighton & Hove to carry out essential work.
Where you can park and for how long
You can park:
in a resident permit bay for up to one hour
You can't park:
anywhere else
How to recognise a loading ban
You cannot park on yellow lines with a loading ban. Loading bans are marked by yellow strips on the kerb.
A single yellow line with a loading ban will have a single kerb marking. Double yellow lines will have a double kerb marking.
For a single yellow line, a sign on the street will tell you what times the loading ban is in place.