PayByPhone parking
Find out what PayByPhone is, how to use it and how to pay at a shop in the city using PayPoint.
PayByPhone parking is available for all parking bays where you pay across Brighton & Hove.
You can use any mobile phone to PayByPhone, you don't need an internet connection.
If you don't have a mobile phone you can pay at a PayPoint shop.
View our PayByPhone user guide.
Register for PayByPhone
It's best to register for PayByPhone before you first use it. You can also register when you park.
Register using one of the methods below:
- register for PayByPhone online
- download the app to your device - available for iPhone and Android
If you don't have access to the internet, phone 0330 400 7275.
To get help using a computer or other digital device and improve your online skills join one of our build your digital skills sessions.
PayByPhone service charges
There's a 10p service charge for each transaction.
There are other optional charges for additional message alerts and receipts, both cost 10p for each message.
The option for these can be changed in the default settings.
How to pay
Once you've registered, you can pay in a number of ways. If you don't have a smartphone you can call the automatic payment line or text.
Touch Tone
- Call the number displayed on the signage
- Respond to the prompts
- Wait to hear that parking has started
- Text 65565 with LOCATION (see on street signage), DURATION (in hours) and the 3-digit security code from the back of the registered payment card
- Wait for text confirmation that parking has started
You do not need a smartphone to pay by Touch Tone or text.
Mobile web
- Visit the mobile web page or the website via
- Log in, then enter your parking requirements
Mobile apps
Download and register on your device. Apps are available for iPhone and Android devices.
Help and guidance
See a step-by-step guide on the PayByPhone website. You can also find a PaybyPhone location.
When you access the website, please make sure you're on the correct site, which is No other sites are affiliated with PayByPhone payments.
YouTube video
Watch a YouTube video on how to pay for parking with PaybyPhone on the PaybyPhone YouTube channel.
Customer support
PaybyPhone has introduced a new self-service support centre. Customers can access services such as refund requests. Refunds cannot be submitted for any unused time on a parking session.
Use the PaybyPhone self-service.
You can pay for parking with cash at any shop in the city with the PayPoint sign.
To pay at a PayPoint shop you will need:
- the parking location shown on the sign where your car is parked
- your vehicle registration number
Ask at the counter of a PayPoint shop to pay for your PayByPhone parking. They will ask for the above information and then process your transaction on your behalf.
The shop will then take your cash payment and provide you with a receipt.
You don't need exact change, with PayPoint you can pay with notes and get change. There are over 150 shops with PayPoint in Brighton & Hove.
Find a PayPoint shop
Use the PayPoint website to find your nearest PayPoint shop.
Alternatively, you can send the word CASH via SMS to 60075 along with the PayByPhone location of where you're parked. We'll reply with details of your 2 nearest PayPoint shops.
Extending your parking with cash at a PayPoint shop
PayPoint sessions cannot be extended, they're treated as guest transactions. However, if a customer wishes to create another parking session, they can do so via PayPoint.
Why we introduced PayByPhone parking
We introduced this service because there are a number of advantages for our customers.
These include:
- paying without cash
- paying from a vehicle
- extending parking time remotely
Find out more about why we introduced PayByPhone and other frequently asked questions.
If you have issues accessing PayByPhone
If you're experiencing issues accessing the app, text or telephone line, this could be mobile signal related and not a system issue. Check your signal, move to an alternative spot and try again.
If the PayByPhone app is down, you may be unable to pay for parking until the problem is resolved.
If there's an outage on the app, parking enforcement for paid parking bays will be suspended. It will resume when the app is working again. Wait 15 minutes and try again.
A full Equalities Impact Assessment was completed for the removal of the Pay and Display machines. Download our Pay and Display Equality Impact Assessment.