Animal Wardens collect and return lost and found dogs. They also provide information on animal licensing, including pet shops, boarding, breeding and performing animals.
Apply to keep an animal for entertainment or education
You may need a licence if your business keeps animals to show to an audience, like at schools or private parties.
When you need a performing animal licence
You need a licence from us if you run:
- businesses that keep animals for exhibition, either for entertainment or education, this includes mobile animal exhibits that visit schools, weddings, private parties, fairs and other events where there's an audience
- pony parties where people do not ride the ponies
- businesses that keep animals for exhibition on electronic media, like animals used in film or TV
- businesses that train animals for exhibition, either to an audience or on electronic media
- a circus that uses domestic animals in its shows
- any business based outside England that brings in an animal for exhibition, you must apply to the first authority where they'll be performing or where you keep the animals for the duration of their stay
You do not need a performing animal licence to:
- organise the exhibition of animals that you do not own or train yourself, if you arrange the supply of animals for an exhibit you should make sure all keepers and trainers have a licence and follow the regulations
- run animal shows where animals are on display, like Crufts
- operate a registered charity that shows animals as part of their charitable work, unless they're doing it to make money
- train or show animals for sporting purposes, like horse racing
- show wild animals in a licensed circus
- run a licensed zoo
Find out more from the government's national animal licensing guidance and the RSPCA's welfare for performing animal guidance.
Licence costs
Find out how much your animal business licence will cost.
Apply for a licence
To apply for a performing animal licence, download and complete the performing animal licence application form.
Return your application form to: Animal Wardens, Brighton & Hove City Council, 2nd floor, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP.
More information
For more information contact the Animal Warden team.
Animal Wardens