Read our coastal management policies
Find out how we plan to manage our shoreline now and in the future, and download our coastal management policies.
How we plan to manage our shoreline
You can find the coastal management policies for Brighton & Hove in the Southdowns shoreline management plan. This plan covers the coast from Selsey Bill to Beachy Head.
We created 2 strategy studies from this plan which look at shorter sections of the coast. The strategies cover:
- Brighton Marina to Saltdean
- Brighton Marina to River Adur
These strategies suggest ways we can put the shoreline management plan in place.
We did coastal strategy studies for both strategies. This helps us decide how to manage our coastline now and in the future.
What a coastal strategy study is
A coastal strategy study looks at how the length of the coast will change over the next 100 years. It looks at managing the human and natural factors that will influence it.
It explores:
- what kind of defensive measures do we need to deal with these changes
- whether the measures are affordable
It usually includes a programme of coastal management works for 100 years.
Who pays for it
The Environment Agency pays for the study. They must approve the completed study.
Usually, a combination of sources will pay to put the strategy’s recommendations in place. It can include:
- grants from the Environment Agency
- contributions from those who’ll benefit from the defences
If the Environment Agency agrees to give us any grants, they set aside the money for a future year in their capital investment programme. We can then submit a bid for the money as that year approaches.
Brighton Marina to Saltdean strategy
The strategy recommended keeping up the defences between Ovingdean Gap and Saltdean. It also recommended reconstructing the defences between the Ovingdean Gap and the Marina.
Learn more about the Brighton Marina to Saltdean strategy.
To view the full strategy send an email to
Brighton Marina to River Adur strategy
The coastline covered by the Brighton Marina to River Adur strategy extends from Brighton Marina to the mouth of the River Adur.
The area includes sections of the coast that we manage and sections managed by Adur District Council.
The Environment Agency approved the study. They set aside some grant money for the first stage of improvements to the coast defences. The works will begin during 2020 to 2021.
Download the Brighton Marina to River Adur study report to find out more. To view the technical appendices send an email to
This report identifies where we need to do the improvement work.
How we take climate change into account
All the studies we do take into account the government's latest sea level rise guidelines.
Information on the changing climate is put together by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Their predictions for England, and research from domestic organisations, are put together for Defra (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) as part of UKCP09.