How we deal with contaminated land
Find out what types of contaminated land we're responsible for and who to contact if you discover a cause of land contamination.
Report potentially contaminated land
We have a legal duty to carry out inspections to identify contaminated land in the city.
If you think something is happening that could contaminate land, or you think a piece of land is already contaminated, contact us.
Request information on contaminated land
You can view a copy of the contaminated land register, containing a list of all formally determined contaminated land sites in Brighton & Hove.
You can ask us for the information we have on potentially contaminated land in a specific area through the Freedom of Information team.
Requests for information about contaminated land fall under The Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Find advice about contaminated land requirements for planning applications if you’re thinking of developing on potentially contaminated land.
Where to find out about Radon
Public Health England hold Radon information and mapping. You can find this information on UK Radon. We do not hold Radon information.
The majority of Brighton is rated at 1% to 3% risk of Radon, with some areas being higher.
This means that for every 100 houses in the area, you may expect 1 to 3 of them to have levels above the "action level" for radon of 200 Bq/m3.
Without testing, you could not state whether a property will contain Radon levels in excess of the 'action level'.
Public Health England sells Home Measurement Packs. These tests take 3 months and require the house to be occupied at the time.
What to do about Japanese Knotweed
Find advice and information about Japanese knotweed and other invasive plants from GOV.UK.
It’s an offence to not control Japanese Knotweed or allow it to spread.
We recommend that you get independent legal advice if a neighbour is allowing Japanese Knotweed to spread onto your property.
You do not need to tell us about Japanese Knotweed.
Find more information about Japanese Knotweed.
The relevant legislation for Japanese Knotweed is:
While a local authority can take action, the large investment of time and resources involved means that we will not normally get involved with Japanese Knotweed on private land.
If you find Japanese Knotweed on council land, please tell our Cityparks team.
What to do about derelict tanks
Trading Standards hold derelict tank records.
If you need more information about derelict tank records contact the Petroleum Officer.
Phone 01273 292 523 and select option 2, or send an email to
Who to ask about groundwater
Please get in touch with the Environment Agency. You can send an email to, or phone 03708 506 506.
View our contaminated land strategy
The contaminated land strategy explains how we inspect and deal with contaminated land in the city.
Download the contaminated land strategy.