Hotel parking permits terms and conditions
The terms and conditions you must follow when you use a hotel parking permit.
Hotel parking permits are only valid if you complete and display them according to the instructions.
You can only use a hotel parking permit in a resident or shared use bay, in the zone shown on the permit. You cannot use a hotel parking permit in a paid parking bay, previously known as a pay and display bay.
You cannot use a hotel parking permit to park a motorcycle.
Hotel parking permits do not guarantee that a space will be available or give unrestricted right to a space.
We are not liable if your vehicle or any of its contents or fittings are stolen or damaged.
We cannot give you a refund for hotel parking permits, and you cannot transfer or re-sell them.
If you do not complete or display the permit according to the instructions, you may get a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).
How to use a hotel parking permit
Write the vehicle registration clearly in ink, in the blue box. If you do not complete the registration, the permit is not valid and we may issue you with a PCN.
Scratch out one panel only from each of the following sections:
- date
- month
- year
- hour - scratch off the panel to the next nearest hour of your arrival time, for example if you arrive at 1:15pm, scratch off 2pm
If you scratch off the wrong panel, or more than one panel in each section, the permit is not valid and we may issue with a PCN.
Display the hotel permit so that all the details can be seen from outside the vehicle.
You can do this by:
- placing the permit securely on the dashboard
- folding the top of the permit over your nearside window with the permit on the inside and close the window