When children can and can't miss school
When children can and can't miss school and what happens if you take your child out of school for a holiday
Parent/carer responsibilities
As a parent or carer, you need to make sure your child receives a full-time education. They need to be educated from the term after they turn 5 years old, until the end of June in the school year they turn 16 years old.
Your child’s education needs to be suitable for their age, ability and aptitude and meet any special needs they may have. You can send your child to school or educate your child at home.
When your child can miss school
You need to speak to your child’s school in the first instance in relation to any absence.
Your child can miss school if:
- they are too ill to attend (you may need to provide medical evidence in some cases).
- they are travelling to and from a medical appointment for the GP, doctor, or dentist (we encourage you to book appointments out of school time)
- you have made an application to the school in advance, and the school have granted permission for the absence
- they are travelling to and from a work experience placement
The NHS has helpful advice on how to decide if your child is too ill for school.
If your child is struggling to attend school, it is important to speak to someone at the school to see what support they can offer.
You can also send an e-mail to attendanceteam@brighton-hove.gov.uk for advice and signposting.
Holidays during term time
Schools can only grant holidays or absences during term time in exceptional circumstances.
It’s important that you speak to your child’s school in advance of any planned absence to discuss your individual circumstances. Evidence may be requested to support your request.
Fixed penalty notices and legal proceedings
National Legislation requires that parents/ carers apply to schools in advance of any planned absence. If the school declines the absence request, the absence will be classified as unauthorised. The school will make a referral to us, and we will issue you with a penalty notice, or legal proceedings.
The first penalty notice, in respect of a particular pupil, will be £160, if paid within 28 days. This reduces to £80 if paid within 21 days.
A second penalty notice, in respect of the same pupil, within 3 years of the first, will be £160 if paid within 28 days, with no reduction for swift payment.
We cannot issue you a third penalty notice, in respect of the same pupil, within 3 years of the first. In these cases we can take alternative action, including considering prosecution, under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
There is no right of appeal once we have issued a penalty notice.
For further information read our Code of Conduct.